The barcoding system will remain open until Wednesday, June 4, at 5 p.m. Once the site is closed, you will no longer be able to enter any additional items or edit previously entered items. You will, however, be able to print labels, master sheets, and your Drop-off Sheet Summary page after that time.
If you do not know your password from last year or have changed your email address, you will need to create a new account.
Labels - New labels must be created for each convention. Labels from previous years will not be recognized on our scanning system at checkout, making the item unsellable.
“Pickup” or “Donate” - Please pay attention to the “Pickup” or “Donate” indication on the labels. The difference between an item to be picked up or donated will be indicated by the presence or absence of a checkmark in the appropriate field. If your printer does not print the check mark correctly, the item may be wrongly designated for donation.
IMPORTANT: PICKUP ITEMS ONLY - Please use a yellow highlighter to highlight the first line of all the labels marked for Pickup. Highlight the initial, name, and checkmark in the Pickup box in the top right-hand corner of each label marked for Pickup.
NEW THIS YEAR! We are excited to announce that you now have two options for receiving your sales proceeds. On your My Accounts page you will be given the opportunity to sellect whether you would like to receive your sales proceeds by check or PayPal. You will also have the option to donate your sales proceeds to HEAV for their continuing effort to protect homeschool freedom in Virginia. Everything you need to know about these options can be found on the My Accounts page.
Minimum Price - Please remember there is a minimum price policy of $1 on Friday and $0.75 on Saturday.
Drop-off Sheet Summary - All sellers MUST bring a hard copy of their one-page Drop-off Sheet Summary when they come to drop off their items, or their items cannot be accepted.